Das Konfuzius-Institut Frankfurt möchte in Kooperation mit der Sinologie der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt junge Perspektiven der nächsten Generation ins Gespräch bringen. Zu diesem Zweck bieten wir Absolventinnen und Absolventen (Master) die Gelegenheit, sich einem breiteren Publikum akademisch vorzustellen.
The tempestuous period from the end of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century witnessed revolutionary changes in various social and cultural fields in China including Chinese Buddhism, which was under reform at that time. ZHANG Ruzhao 張汝釗 (1900–1969) was one of the female monastics who responded actively to the reformation. She was well-known as an educated poet and activist who had been prominently engaging in political and feminist movements in the first half of her life. But because of different personal and political disappointments, Zhang later decided to enter the Buddha’s world and was eventually ordained as a nun. Not giving up literature even after turning to Buddhism, Zhang recorded her life through many literary writings. However, compared to other laywomen and nuns in the same period, far little attention has been paid to Zhang’s life and literature, not to mention her Buddhist practices and thoughts. In the light of this, this thesis seeks to look into the works in which she incorporates her strong feminist ideas as she advocates women’s rights and education, the autobiographical writings that deal with the struggles for her life choices, and the Buddhism-related pieces through which Zhang helped to contribute to the propagation of Buddhism in China.
Sprache: Englisch
![Foto NG Chin-fung](https://www.konfuzius-institut-frankfurt.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Foto-NG-Chin-fung.jpg)
DAI Yifan, Goethe University Frankfurt, “Hanfu Renaissance: The Ethno-Symbolic Reconstruction of Han Costume”
Along with the rapid spread of the Hanfu Renaissance Movement, Hanfu has developed from a burgeoning subculture in Chinese cyber society to a classicist sartorial fashion among people from diverse backgrounds across the sinophone space. This study is trying to examine: “what are Hanfu and Hanfu Renaissance?” and to illustrate the development of theHanfu Renaissance from 2003 to 2022. At the same time I try to explain how and why Hanfu was picked by its wearers.
Sprache: Englisch
![Foto DAI Yifan](https://www.konfuzius-institut-frankfurt.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Foto-DAI-Yifan.jpg)
27.04.2022, 18:15 – 19:45 Uhr
Präsenz: Konfuzius-Institut Frankfurt, Dantestr. 9, 60325 Frankfurt
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